My promise. RIP Jimmy Sullivan

The day I found out Jimmy Sullivan died I was totally shocked. I had been so in love and obsessed with Avenged Sevenfold. The first song I ever heard was Bat Country and I was hooked. My friend text me and said how she was completely heartbroken. I asked why, and she said Jimmy Sullivan died. I really was completely shocked. I really didn't think Jimmy would pass. It seemed, unnatural. Now, I haven't been able to cry for the past few years. I'm not sure why though. I got even more pissed when I couldn't cry. I don't know why I couldn't cry. It made me furious and I felt hurt. My friends and I would always make stories about Avenged Sevenfold. Most of them are retarded because I coulnd't write worth shit. And I still can't. I love Rev. I hate that he's gone. I drifted away from Avenged Sevenfold and listened to other bands. But once I heard the news, I haven't really got myself to listen to their music. Reading what other people say about Jimmy really touches me. Everybody would do anything and everything just to bring Jimmy back. I don't blame them. Jimmy's death has taken a toll on everyone. The other day in shop, I said to Emily:
"I miss Jimmy"
"Who's Jimmy"
My mouth dropped.
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO JIMMY SULLIVAN IS??!?! SAINT! He's the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold"
"I never really liked him"
"SINNER!" In wood shop, I made this thing for Jimmy. As soon as it's done, which should be
around Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll put a picture of it on there. It's not that good, but I tried.

So recently, I was talking with my best friends boyfriend. I said:
"I miss Jimmy"
"Who's that?"
"Jimmy Sullivan was the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold who recently passed"
"I know but you don't even know him. But that's sad"
I felt so defensive and pissed. How can you NOT know Jimmy.

I thought about making a promise to Jimmy. It might be to late, but maybe we all need to make a promise.
So here it is:
"I, Savannah Lee Schreier,(Yes, I hate my last name) promise you, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, that I'll keep supporting everyone. That even though some people will ignore me and won't be there for me, that I will be there for them. That i'll keep my head held high and I'll try to carry on my promises. That through thick and thin, I'll do the one thing that I've always wanted to do. And when I fall down, I'll get back up. When I slam against every wall, I'll laugh. Rev, I couldn't cry then. But I'll cry now. Everytime I see your picture, I won't fake a happy smile. I'll flash my biggest grin and know that you would want all of us to smile.

RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. I believe, your watching all of us from heaven. And your wings are held high as you beat the drums.
February 6th, 2010 at 04:00am