Drama drama drama

You'd think that the people who would have the least problem with drama would be the so called "band geeks"... If only that were true. D:

You see, over the past weeks, things have been going on that have driven people to near insanity. In short- being so close in Marching Season has driven people to the edge during concert season. Although, yes, some people have been able to keep thier sanity.

The reason I say this is because of 2 reasons. It mostly involves people getting with the people that their friends like. This shouldn't be new, but I just hate when it happens.

Example A:

I have a friend who is a very nice person. She's really fun and all that good stuff. :3
Her friend, who she was starting to get suspicious of started to like her boyfriend. The second my friend and her boyfriend broke up. This made her really pissed. When you're good friends with someone, you don't just jump on their ex just like that!
It wouldn't be too much of a problem except that the boy and my friend are in band, and the other girl is in colorguard.

Example B :

I am good friends with another friend. She liked this one guy in band for about a month or so. I found out yesterday that a freshman girl (they're all freshman in this story) who I don't like is now going out with the boy. And what sucks is that my friend and the girl who is going out with her crush were good freinds. It stinks... Mucho.
The girl (not my friend) was going out with a senior a couple noths ago and broke up maybe a week or so before winter break. ._.

What great friends these people are...
February 6th, 2010 at 06:03pm