Do you believe in love?

I haven't decided quite yet. But I will say I'm extremely skeptical. Now I believe i love my family, because I wouldn't be able to live without them and would do anything for them. If it the same to be in love? Have you ever been in love? How did you know it was love?

I kinda feel like people get married because that's the thing to do. You get comfortable with someone and once you hit mid 20s you get married. But would so many people get married/have kids if that wasn't the normal thing to do? When I told my mom that I don't think I want to have kids or get married she looked at me like I had three heads. Why is it so weird I don't want that? Now my opinion will probably change and I know that, but right now that's not what I want. I don't want to get married and then get bored. I don't want to have to stay with someone because I feel trapped. I just feel like I wouldn't be able to spend an entire lifetime with one person.

I guess I always knew but I'm realizing just how many songs are about love. First that made me think, "Well love must be real, because how can so many people draw inspiration from it if it isn't real?" But then I thought they could be drawing inspiration from nothing, just an idea of love that they think is real. Because I start thinking when a 17 year old writes a love song that basically has the same meaning as a song written by a married older person. Whose to say they just don't listen to those other love songs written by everyone else and puts it in their situation they are in with their partner even though they aren't really in love.

I don't even know if I'm making sense. But I guess I just have a hard time believing something like that could happen to me. It just seems too good to be true.
February 7th, 2010 at 04:29am