Love? Screw It. *** It. Watch It Die.

This Valentines is as very dark mark on my calander. It's on that day (Well, to be specific a day or two before) that I found out my (Now ex) boyfriend was cheating on me with his ex, and my (Ex) best friend. (Which both happen to be girls. Isn't that fucking wonderful? I turned a man straight. That really makes me feel good about myself.)

So yeah, I've been single ever since. Well, I dated my friend for a while in summer, but it didn't really count. It's more like we were friends with a title.


So my Valentines Day plans consist of me sitting alone in my dark room, eating chocolate, and watching Titanic over and over and over...

You can see why I'm not looking forward to it.

I just wish that I had SOMEONE to watch movies with me and cry when Jack dies. I wish had someone. Period.

If you haven't noticed I guess I'm still a little bitter over my break up, but then again, wouldn't you be too if the experience ended up fucking you up so much that you can't fall in love again?

Well, that's what happened to me, and trust me, it's not fun. Imagine not being able to love someone ever again. I've met plenty of wonderful guys, beautiful guys, kind, gentle, awsome guys. But as hard as I try, I can't like them that way. I've even tried tricking myself into liking someone, but that just fails, too.

Sometimes I think I will never love again. (God, I'm sorry if anyone reading this is getting pissed off with my rambling about love and romance and my oh-so-tragical life.)

Don't get me wrong, I forgave my Ex a long time ago. But the whole situation still gets to me, you know?

So it looks like I get to look forward to another year of being a lonely bitch. Lucky me.

Oh yeah, and it doesn't help that this really cute guy I used to think liked me is now constantly flirting with my best friend and trying to fuck her.

What is it with me and "Best Friends"?
February 7th, 2010 at 07:07am