Question Of Love

I got asked a question today about what i think of love. its a hard thing to put into words. and i have decided to post it on here if anyone wants to veiw my thoughts on love. to me love. and a really strong love. comes along only once in your life time. when your young or when your old, it only comes once. and when it comes it is the most amazing feeling ever, nothing can describe it. but the person who has made you feel this way. to you will be the most amazing person that has ever stood in front of you. And this person, you could take one feature and describe it with every word in the dictonary. there voice would enchant you for day on end and the feeling and the need to be close to them will never cease. and if you let that love go you will remember it forever. and to answer some questions no i dont believe in soulmates i believe in two people being so compatiable. the feeling make you feel top of the world and makes you think you cant do anything. as long as there around.

so there's my thoughts on love. and no i dont know if i have had that feeling but i've had something like it. i have analysed it millions of times.

So that is my analysis on love. hope you fine it intresting

Love Kit
February 7th, 2010 at 01:24pm