My Biggest Regret

There is a regret that I have and I will never forgive myself for what I did. When I was 7 years old my parents enrolled me into dance. I tried very hard because my goal was to go on pointe. If you don't know what pointe is then I'll tell you. Pointe is a form of ballet that you wear those very special shoes that you stand on you toes. It takes several years of practice. If you do it to early you can damage you ankles and ruin your dance career forever. Anyway, I loved dance and then when I was finally 13,I was aloud to do pointe. My teachers wouldn't move me up with the high school group just because I was in 8Th grade at the time. So I dropped out of that studio and went to a whole new studio that didn't let me do pointe. They were different. I wasn't happy there. Then last February,I made the worst mistake of my life. I quit. Now it's been a year and I miss dancing and I regret ever quitting. I told my mom that in the fall I want to dance again and she said "We will talk." I'm scared that she might say no. She needs to understand that I don't want to quit my dream. It's something I loved to do and when I am upset (which is alot lately)I like to go to dance class so I can forget about everything and just focus on learning. It makes me much happier. A lot of my dance friends have quit to. They don't regret like I do. I almost broke my leg a month ago. Since I had strong legs and ankles,I decided to go off crutches early. I don't want to throw away my strong ankles and 7 years of dance. I am not ready to throw in the towel. I've done something that I know now that I can't live without. After I quit, That didn't stop me from dancing. I practice and practice so I can impress the director at the dance studio I choose to go to in the fall. One more thing before I end this, Pointe is not spelled as Point. They sound the same but Pointe is french and it's spelled this way.
February 7th, 2010 at 01:38pm