Just some thoughts...

The world has to be something so much more than what we see with our own eyes. And where does love come from, some say it’s the only thing that keeps us alive. Love and hope, maybe the hope for love or the love for the hope. Who knows? If love is the only thing that keeps us alive, what do we love with? Is it really our hearts? How can something that pump hate through our veins also push love? The sun and moon can remain in the same sky, and can be seen in the same place. Is the living of love and hate the same. Is that why they can both live in our hearts so freely. If it is, than why can life and death not live in our hearts together as the moon and sun do in the sky? While our heart pumps the life through us and the love and the hate (are all of these just simple things that make us human?) it does not pump death through us, or we would be dead. One cannot be living and dead. Or can they? Say there is cancer in the blood, and the heart pumps the blood, carrying the cancer all over the body. Is that our heart giving us life and spreading death? Once we live and have lived, and are in the shadow of death, once we know that death is on our tails, even if we are still breathing are we already dead? Because we know that it is inevitable, that we will die eventually, are we truly dead at heart at the same time while we live, breathe, think and love?

Human. Is it just a word? Or are all the qualities that each person has make up what we are. There are bad things and good things to each person and one may have one thing more than another. But we all have life, imagination, breath, blood, tears and feelings. And if all these things make us human then what are the things that make us not? Are there things that can make us not human? If human is truly what we are than how can there be things that make us not what we are? But the lust to survive is an animal quality, also a human one, so what are we? Are animals part human too? Are they so much different from us? I believe that truly we are the only thing that kills it’s own kind…The only animal at war with one another… Why is that? Humans say that we are the only creature with reason, but how is the need to kill one another considered reason? And it’s not only us we kill its everything that comes in our path…

Do we believe in God because we are scared of what will happen if we do not? Or do we just need some sort of faith, to cling to a feeling that there is some greater being to keep up holding on. I mean, no offence to believers, I’m just not sure about the whole thing you know? Mostly because I do not understand it, and when I don’t understand something, how can I believe it is real? There are so many loop holes to our faith, so many unanswered questions. I will ask a few and if anyone has an answer, please let me know. Again, I don’t mean to offend anyone by these things… If Adam and Eve were the first on earth and the only and they had two boys, where did the girls come from? Also, aren’t spirits a bad thing- and yet Jesus came back as a spirit? Also, I don’t understand how if he died on the cross how that resolves all human sin. There are so many more, but I will leave you with these to contemplate over and hopefully, retrieve an answer to help me out.
February 7th, 2010 at 06:54pm