So far, so good


I haven't posted any Journal Entries in a really long time so out of all the things that have happened I don't know with which one to start off with. about...

I am finally 15 !

(Happy Dance)

Turned 15 on January 29 and I'm happy because now I'm not just plain 14...I am 15. Ha-ha.

Anyways, it was pretty cool. I had taken my QuinceaƱera pictures the week before (QuinceaƱera is when a Hispanic girl turns 15, kind of like Sweet 16) and I really liked them and had fun while taking them.

The day of my birthday we went to this restaurant/bar kind of thing and I thought I was going to hate it. My dad brought a mariachi and we are not even mexican. 'Course I was embarresed but it turned out to be a very sweet gift. Then some woman sang for me and then we watched a Cuban comedian. In overall it was awesome and I loved it. My whole family and friends were there. We had lots of laughs and I enjoyed. I love my dad :)


So far, I love 2010.

Last year I told myself,
Chelen, dude, turn the lights on.

And that's what I did !

2009 was so depressing and...I felt like I was on my period 24/7
I was moody all the time.

Maybe it was part of being 14?
Maybe the fact that he was with her?

Whatever it was, I am so over it this year!

I can actually feel more energetic and happy all the time.
I'm not hating my life, I'm just waiting for the best to come along but I'm enjoying the moment.

Only problem is Valentines is coming up and I've hated Valentines since 5th grade.
Childish but I can't help it.


Brain Teasers:



I'M you


February 7th, 2010 at 10:45pm