? ? ??The Sunday Knight Spoons, and their many adventures? ? ? ?

So last night for my friends 19th birthday we went into town dressed as a rock/pirate/metal band called the Sunday Knight Spoons, complete with hair, make-up and fake instruments made of cardboard. We got several strange looks and a few comments about how the Sevens were Saturday night not last night but oh well. We also got several positive comments generally about Clare and I, "Awesome Keytar!" about mine :) and "Cool Gibson" about Clare Les Paul made of cardboard. We went and had dinner at this wonderful Chinese/Japanese restaurant which was really cheap with amazing food and a gorgeous waiter.

We also went and saw our friend Rachael at work, who unfortunately had a dinner to go to with family instead. She works at this shop called d.vice which sells sexy dress up costumes, lingerie and 'toys' for the bedroom. It was funny as because Michelle had never been there before whereas most of us go see Rachael whenever we're in town. I must say they had the nicest smelling massage warming gel ever, strawberry, vanilla and a chocolate one... They smelt absolutely wonderful!

After dinner we went and got gelato at cafe eis, where we met a girl that said she wished her friends would dress up as a band and walk around town for her birthday, and the cute gelato guy that worked there loved my Keytar and insisted on serving me :) He also wanted to come hang with us but wasn't finishing work for a few more hours. It would have been fun if he could have though.


1) What's your favorite gelato (ice-cream) flavour?
2) What's your favorite instrument?
3) Do you prefer swimming in the sea, a lake, a river or a swimming pool?
4) Favorite author?
5) Best part about your hometown?

My answers:

1 - It has to be lemon, and if it's normal ice-cream lemon cheesecake
2- Drums, but if I have to carry it around definitely a Keytar
3- River or swimming pool definitely
4- Virginia Andrews AKA V.C. Andrews
5- Best part of my hometown... The natural hotsprings and hot pools everywhere! (I'm from Rotorua)

What about you guys?


R.I.P. Nan, Tenga and Granddad. I will always love you and be thinking of you??
February 7th, 2010 at 11:35pm