This seriously needs to end now!!

Really?!? I mean seriously?!?! A friend of yours is hurting (emotionally and physically) and you just tell them to "get the fuck over it"!?!? Are you serious??
You really, seriously, make jokes over the fact that people self-destruct? You can't possibly tell me you actually make those jokes about cutting and addiction, can you?
Let me ask this: do you make such comments and jokes simply to cover up the fact that you yourself don't feel loved and can feel that kind of pain as well? Are such remarks simply a mask to hide the truth?

Depression....Cutting....Addiction....Suicide---it's all real and it's a serious matter that needs to be talked about, that needs to be understood. It's a serious issue that needs to be dealt with. It's a serious issue that needs to be fixed. Words in our culture have been greatly mistreated and misused, all to the point where the most sacred of words have become meaningless and empty. We've twisted our language so far that words can do nothing more than cause pain and hurt. Words, let alone whole sentences, rarely have true and loving intentions behind them.

I vow, right here...right now, to change this. I will NOT stand for this hatred and pain. I will NOT stand by and watch as another person is tormented by the absurdity of society's sheep with the result of self-destruction. I will be vocal and raise my voice to anyone causing such pain and hatred. I will stand up for the weak and oppressed. I will show true and real love in a loveless world.

We are a species created by and for LOVE, so why do we not show it? Why have we desecrated something so important? so essential? so beautiful? Is the material wealth and status of this world so important to you that you would sacrifice a human life for it?

Every time you gossip about someone behind their back is another step closer to the edge for that person. Every time you are fake and insincere to someone is another step closer to the taking that last step for that person. Stop with the emo and cutting jokes---seriously STOP IT! These people you "joke" about self-destruct because of such "jokes". Self-destruction occurs because there's no love within society. Human life is so precious and priceless, there is only one of everyone. Stop pretending to love and start actually loving. These are serious issues and the only cure is love, real and true love.

Stop the bleeding. You are not alone, and this is not the end of your story. Hope is real. Love is the Movement <3
February 8th, 2010 at 07:34pm