Why I Wont Accept A Ride From Random People Now

It was a dream, unlike any other dream, I was doing and going places I've never been before all that jazz.

Well, this dream starts out I'm at my dream grandmother's house and she leaves. I go for a walk and end up "down town". In my dream I've been there before and always walk through this huge church, I see the doors on the other side open, but instead walk another way into a parking lot.

it's getting late and I decide to head back home, and I don't have a ride. An Asian man (I make this clear because I've never seen someone with a distinct race in my dreams before) offers me a ride. I accept, and ask him if I can have his phone. It feels like real life, because I want to be safe and call my uncle and aunt.

He has a thick accent and hands me over a phone with the battery taken out. I ask him for the battery and he says no, and that he plans to kidnap me. I am suddenly in his car and we're driving down the road. I roll the window down and spot that lighter thing in a car. I take it and jam it in his arm and nothing happens.

"Haven't you seen that movie, it doesn't work on me". Now I jump out the window and push him away from me. I run, I run so fast around my dream neighborhood that I try to slow down to find a house. I find one, and go inside. I freak out but I can't find a phone. I see the front door open up and there is the man, in a white ninja out fit. I wake up.

It wasn't scary per say, but it did freak me out.
What is my subconscious trying to tell me?
February 8th, 2010 at 10:46pm