Tired of racism. RANT. Idc if you do or don't read. D:

Okay; i know ALOT of people who are racist against Blacks or Mexicans or Asians. Personally i'm not racist at all.
A.) Why should you EVEN be racist against Blacks; considering a couple hundred years ago whites were the ones to drag them here, and them not wanting to be here.Of course they were going to want to be treated as people, thats what they are! They have every right to live in America. Whites weren't even the first people into America.
B.) Yes, Mexicans do cross the border. Yes, they shouldn't. Buuuuuut;; they may be living a hell down in Mexico. They come to America because they hear how great it is, when actually i feel sorry for them cause they come here and get treated like shit. I think they have every right to Cali or Texas or New Mexico, considering us Americans took it from them. Annnd i do know a lot of them that cross the borders are illegal, but some aren't . And people who are rude and discriminate them for what race they are without even knowing them is just plain ridiculous. A lot of them are raised pretty good and raised with HAVING to show respect to elders and such.
C.) Asians are freaking awesome. One of my bestfriends is one. There is nothing wrong with them. And when you make jokes about them eating dogs and cats, well some do. But in Asia its like if you were eating a cow in America. Actually, some places you can't eat cow down there and they think thats gross and horrible. To us its normal. So just because its different doesn't mean its gross. (I have never tried cat or dog if you were wondering.)
ANYWAYSSS... i'm done ranting. (:
February 9th, 2010 at 05:49am