Punched in the Face: HELP!

Today I was in my standing by the door in class, and my friend Jase comes up to me and punches me in my face right above my left eye! Now Jase is a boy and I am a girl which I think it's wrong to hit a girl. His reaction is to immediately laugh his a** off. He didn't say he was sorry or ask if i felt okay . NOTHING. I had to go home at lunch to get some medicine because my head hurt really bad. When I came back to school we texted and he said he was high so his depth perception was off. I was more upset about his reaction to punching me instead of the actual punch. Anyway, I told him I was still mad and he said sorry over text message; not to my face. He and his friends say that it's not a big deal or something I should be upset over, but I still am. My friend Caleb said that I should be upset because you don't punch girls.

I don't know. should I be mad and wait for a real apology, or should I just drop it????
February 10th, 2010 at 01:37am