Life; What's it all about?

It's an hour and 46 minutes passed the Rev's 29th birthday. So I was just sitting here and thinking once again, damn you Jimmy for making me think ;), I was thinking about what life is all about. It is a simple question yet has an uncountable amount of answers. For every person, is an answer that is different from the next. I've decided that what life is about for me is... a simple smile in the dark that makes it seem just a tad bit brighter, the dew on the freshly cut grass in your yard signaling a fresh start;a new day. It's about how there is that one person that makes you feel important when no one else seems to notice, the kindness of a stranger you meet in the check-out lane, the look on a proud parent's face, the look in a happy child's eyes that makes you feel slightly more whole. It's the sun on your face in the summer, the snowflakes in your hair during the winter's first snowfall, the splashing in puddles during the spring's warm rain, and the crunching of leaves under your shoe in the fall. Life, to me, is about the simple things that we take for granted everyday because we are to focused on the negative instead of the sweet nothings that mean so much to some of us. So I end this journal entry with a question for you all. What is the meaning of life to you?
February 10th, 2010 at 07:59am