Earthquake In Illinois

Did you guys hear of the earthquake in Illinois? It originated in Sycamore which is where I'm from. It was at 4am. My mom said that it felt like a freight train went through the house! I woke up right after it happened. It was originally a 4.3 but it was down graded to a 3.8. My freinds said that the woke up during it. My friend Elizabeth said that she woke up before it and got up to go to the bathroom and her house started shaking and it made her fall down! My other friend Kayla said that it barely woke up and she was half-asleep. She said that she randomly said "Why is the world ending?" then went back to sleep. I woke up for a second then went back to sleep. My mom said that it actually scared her! MY teacher thought that a snow plow crashed into her house because it was so loud and shaking so much! Anywho, When I woke up for school my glasses were on the floor, a lamp was knocked over and some random things on a shelf fell over.
February 11th, 2010 at 05:08am