Rambling, Whoring, and Questions.

I am never going to stay up till four in the morning again. That's a promise...or more like a lie. I'll probably do it again before the week's out.

I was awoken at seven this morning by a very disgruntled father anouncing to me that I was to have the entire house clean by tommorow evening.

So, I'll probably start on that tommorow around noon...

Anywhozers, I'm currently sticking it out in my bedroom. There's a few unruly people still wandering the house that haven't left for their daily meanderings yet. I prefer to not deal with them today.

So, I'm making a journal that actually isn't a complete downer. I'm bored, and the sugar and caffeine rush from my breakfast is making me antsy.

Ah, the angst of being 19 and living at home. I could complain, but don't feel like it. I'm in much too good of a mood today.

I've decided that this journal has no purpose whatsoever. So, I'll make it worth your while for those of you who actually took the time to read it.

Whore me your stories, or any story you find to be a good read on here. Or for that matter, you can whore out good books you enjoy. I need something entertaining to read.

I don't do fanfictions...but anything else would be lovely.

Now on for some questions...because, like I said, I'm terribly bored.

1. What did you eat for breakfast today? Or, the last meal you ate?
I'm currently enjoying chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a pot of coffee for breakfast. Aren't I healthy?

2. How long do you tend to think about, or plan out your story before you start actually writing it?
Normally, only a day. But like I've mentioned in another journal comment, I've spent close to two weeks planning out this story.

3. Do you believe in aliens?

4. Which was better when you were a kid, Sesame Street or Barnie?
Barnie, definately. I do believe I had about 15 Barnie stuffed animals and all the videos.

5. Which really matters? The size of the ship, or the motion of the ocean?
Motion of the ocean. >.>
February 12th, 2010 at 04:15pm