Is anyone listening?

The first question I have is... why are you reading this? It could be because your my best friend... hia Jenna. or because you stumbled upon it and thought it would be interesting, either way your reading it now. I like to read about other people's daily lives, except when they are too perfect. If your like me, then this is the journal entry for you! I am mostly writing this because I'm pretty lonely of late. And because I know I'm pathetic and I figure I'm relateable to all you other hopeless at the moment people. Maybe I'm having a bad year or I just haven't noticed I'm a big fail...

Well as you could have predicted, this journal entry is about a boy. The same boy I met the second day of school, didn't like at first, then did and have been following around for the last... um 5 months. See! I am a fail, or a stalker. I figure I must be interesting to look at because he keeps talking to me... but when I try to say one word... all that comes out is
Yeah cliche right? Well they have cliches for a reason, or is that sterotypes. Either way, I have issues and I don't think I'm going to be please until I get him.

sigh. Any advice?
I hope things work out for all you out there feeling just as I do right now. I also hope that there's a chance for me in this crazy world some people like to call, high school.

How do the hopeless get hope?
February 13th, 2010 at 07:07am