;advice for those guys in girls hearts.

-Be this guy. The guy who knows all the right things to say.
-The guy who can make her smile even though she doesn't want to.
-He knows everything to say.

-Instead of asking her to go to the movies, ask her to come over and watch a movie.
-Tell her she's beautiful or goregous instead of hott.
-If she's sick, you bring her soup.

-Call her daily.
-But don't be obsessive.
-Be the person that she wants to talk to all the time.
-Be the person she thinks about when she should be paying attention.

-Tell her your feelings and don't hide them,
-Let her tell you hers too.

-Don't be the guy that judges a girl too much.
-Let her have her "boy" fun and burp.
-Play games.
-Nudge her once and a while.

-Kiss her on her forhead softly.
-Be respectful,
-Don't say things after you break up.

-She wants you to be more of her friend then the guy she's dating.
-Although, a little compassion isn't bad.

-Be the guy she looks up to,
-Her hero,
-Her best friend.
February 13th, 2010 at 07:57pm