February 13 2010 11:51 am

Wow, what a fucked up night that was. Spent the whole night coughing up blood. Didn't sleep much either but who could fall asleep when in the back of your mind all you think about is drowning in your own blood. Then when I do finally wake up, I have a bunch of text messages from Jess. I don't even know what to call this girl. I mean I hardly even love her anymore. She's just like that girl that will take all my shit just to be with me. I know it's wrong but she will go nuts if I leave her. She sees shit that I don't. Thats whats really fucked. She sees me as someone she want to be with forever, and to me thats bullshit. I ain't happy with her. Alycia is the one I want. I woke up to get messages from Jess, and a few minutes later Alycia sends me a text, "Morning love <3". That made my morning right there. Ever after the night I had, I know I have to hang on to these fragile pieces of my shattered heart to wait for her to make it whole again....

Song of the day, Linkin Park - Breaking My Habits.
February 13th, 2010 at 08:40pm