Never been in love

From many of my posts you would think I have been in love. Wrong.
I have never been in love.
Most of it is just analysing other people. Just by watching people I can think about all of those things I have posted. I must have some sort of over active imagination to imagine this sort of stuff and to not actually experience it. If you think about it, it’s quite sad. That I have never been in love but to talk about it all the time and the fact that I always think about it.
I wonder what love actually feels like then. Is it any different to how I feel now? Is it as good as I make it out to be? Is it as good as I see it? Or is it no difference to your normal life.
I shouldn’t assume what I don’t know. Does that make me a hypocrite or something. I don’t know how to judge myself.
February 13th, 2010 at 09:10pm