T-Shirt Ideas (Tell Me What You Think)

Tomorrow I'm officially sending out t-shirt designs that will be printed and then immediately put up in my online store. And now, here I am - in a place full of my target audience - would you guys buy these shirts if they had theses phrases on them.

And yes, they do ship internationally jsyk.

#1 - Do These Letters Make Me Look Big
A kind of joke my sister came up with. It's kind of based on the joke of "do these pants make me look big?" except it's stated in big letters if the letters on the t-shirt make you look big.

#2 - Let's Leave The Dreaming To Someone Else
Mostly based on the title of my website - Corrupt Dream - which is basically all about dreaming.

#3 - Hey Boy, You Breathe Oxygen? We Have So Much In Common.
My favorite quote of all about how girls love guys that practically do nothing but breathe. It's funny.

x Anonymiss

P.S. This is the website!
February 14th, 2010 at 08:49am