I Fail at Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day.

And I'm Valentine-less.

This year is different though. I actually feel depressed about Valentine's Day. Most occasions, you could find me not giving two sh!ts on this wonderful day of "love"[excuse my French].

Every member of my immediate family has someone. My mom has a boyfriend, dad has a girlfriend, my brother has a girlfriend, my sister is married... and me? NO ONE. So I'm quite bitter on this horrible day of the year. Although I did ask a friend of mine to be my valentine and he happily obliged... but we agreed we won't go any further on the matter than that. Reason? He's gay.

I'm quite busy today though. I'm devoting today to homework. You can tell I have a social life... now insert sarcasm here.

In any case, if you're valentine-less like me or if you have that special someone, just go out today and have fun. Don't be bitter case like me =]

February 15th, 2010 at 12:03am