For Lovers and Single people!

So today is for most people the most significant holiday in February, its’ Valentine’s Day. But for people like me that don’t have a significant lover or a valentine we look forward to Singles Awareness Day tomorrow.

See Valentine’s Day is a day where it is ok for people to show affection for one another publicly also to show that you really truly love your significant other; which is ok but they should be doing that every day not just one time of year.

For others Valentine’s Day just insults those that are lonely because it forces them to come to the realization that they are single, but thanks to Singles Awareness Day single people don’t have to feel left out anymore in February rather than wallowing in self-pity today single people can celebrate tomorrow.

So for those of you that have someone to celebrate today with I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day but if you’re like me then I wish you the best Happy Single’s Awareness Day tomorrow!
February 15th, 2010 at 04:24am