June 9, 2006

Today was okay, but I have a lot of bad shit that happens in my life. I can't believe it! Alondra died, my parents divorced, new step-dad, boyfriend breaks up with me, step-brother is annoying, brother is disgusting, and a new boyfriend that I never wanted. That's some crazy SHIT right thurr. Well some is going to be gone becuz I'm going to Sea world, San Diego zoo, and California beach. I'm going to have to sit in a car with my fucking brother for 5-6 fucking hours. I'd rather go jump off a 10-story building or choke myself. I hope my step-dad doesn't screw it up. It's suppose to be vacation, not jail. I got to sit on my lazy butt today without Justin being here. If I had three wishes I would wish: unlimited wishing, Alondra to be alive, and life to go the way I want it. I want Alondra to stay alive and be alive. She could go to the prom with a guy she loves and her brother took that all away. All of her friends are now happy and sad of this, like me. I'm happy that she's in a happier place. I'm sad becuz I lost a best friend and she was like a sister. I want life to go the way I want it like: Braden doesn't break up with me, Alondra not dying, my mom not over protective, and everyone my friends. A lot goes on in my life, but not enough to take my life away. God has a plan for me and I'm sticking to it. I have no clue who he's going to make me marry. Hopefully, the right and perfect guy for ME!
February 15th, 2010 at 05:02am