Feburary 14, 2010

Right now I think that life is almost perfect. Today is mine and Matt's 6 month anniversary, and Valentine's Day of course. He is the longest relationship that I have ever been in. It's very surprising, but not to me. He is perfect in every way to me. He is my best friend, partner for life, my love, and my soul mate. We seem to keep thinking of the same thing at the same time or even doing something before the other person does it. It's funny :P I have my best friend Platypus, she is always there for me when I really need her to talk to or if I need advice. I go to both her and Matt about things, of course.

Okay, this is how my day went:
Went over to Matt's and was lazy and lay in bed with him until noon.
We had breakfast, which his father made.
I got chocolates from Matt, his mom, his dad and Pam.
Matt took his friend to the mall.
When we got back to his house, he took a shower..
Next.. things.
I cried because I was so happy that I was with him and that I have him. I have never been so in love with someone in my whole life. He is truly the love of my life... I can't live without him. Without him, I am nothing.
We were lazy again..
He got ready for work
We sat and leaned against each other for 5-10 minutes of the rest of the time we had.
Then he went to work, I went home..

It was a good day...
February 15th, 2010 at 05:16am