TGI Fridays, Joe Jonas, and Single Ladies!

Okay, so the title probably made this sound more interresting than it is, BUT

I have a quick random funny story. On Saturday, my grandma took us out to TGi Fridays for dinner. Me, my parents, Brothers, ages 16 and 17, My uncle, great aunt, and two of my cousins. Tyler who is 6, and Kayla who is 11. Half of us love the @jonasbrothers, and then we have my uncle, dad and great aunt who hear these names once in a while, but pay no attention. We "kids" were commenting on the random music they happened to play in the restaraunt. They played "Bad Romance." We tried not to sing it, and it worked. Yayyy us! Then, they played...... *sigh* "SIngle Ladies." Yep, that was it. Done. I started laughing hysterically! Kayla screamed, "JOE!!" And my brothers covered their faces. The rest of the family looked at us like, "Who are you?!" And other random partons looked at us with odd looks, because our laughs and screams were so sudden. Now, picture that being YOUR family! lol. Yeah, That's it. kbye
February 15th, 2010 at 04:32pm