Youtube + New Phone + Babystting on V-Day + Missy Higgins

Videos aren't working on my computer. Yes, that includes Youtube. When I turned my computer on it asked if I wanted the new Flash update or something, so I clicked yes and now videos aren't working. Bleurgh, I better go download some new shit now. >_>
Update: I fixed it!

I bought a new phone today.It's It's for my birthday next month. It's blue and has a qwerty keyboard :) I have already changed my wallpaper to Dr JohnHotson Watson, and now it's being banished to a cupboard for a month D: I miss it.

How was everyone's Valentiens Day? I've never had a boyfriend so I've never really celebrated it, and I don't get why people our age worry about it so much. I always give my best friend a card though (:

I spent last night babysitting, watching Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone with my six year old niece and playing with barbies.. I was asleep by 10pm. It wasn't even a bad night in. Man I'm sad xD

Today I discovered a muscian called Missy Higgins. I was watching videos of Tegan and Sara and she was in a photoshoot with them, so I thought hey let's google this chick :D

She. is. amazing.

She plays piano like my all time favourite musician Regina Spektor, and her voice reminds me of Jenny Owen Youngs. They're sad and aching and just *sigh*.

I have to go eat now, but I'd love to hear if anybody out there is into Missy Higgins.

Also, thanks to everyone yesterday for their help on my book-searching. (:

Voldermort out bitches.
February 15th, 2010 at 06:28pm