What's Happenin?

So..today was way/is way too long. I got all of about two hours of sleep. Which isn't much more that I usually get. But it hit me hard today.

So I was talking to my dad on the phone, and he told me that my grandparents enjoyed talking to me this past Saturday. I never talked to them, but he insisted that I did. This cause me to laugh hysterically, I was pretty much crying, and my dad was freaking out on the phone because he didn't know if I was crying or laughing. And I couldn't speak because I was laughing so freaking hard.

It took me ten minutes to calm down. And it wasn't even really that funny. But, hey, that is what sleep deprivation does to me. Isn't it lovely.

Oh and in my lazy day. I watched the old '80s move 'Sixteen Candles' again for like the hundredth time.

My favorite character in that movie is Long Duck Dong. If you have not seen it. You should.
He has the best one liners.


1. Have you ever seen '16 Candles' or any of the other '80s classics?
2. If you have, what are your favorite quotes?
3. Will you formspring me?(I am not jumping on the bandwagon, I have had one for weeks. Well I guess I kinda am because I am posting the link in a journal....)
February 15th, 2010 at 11:59pm