Some Random Things About The "I Love You Benjamin Stone" Characters

Annaleigh Barker:
-When Annaleigh's brother Shea was born, her family was told that he would actually have brain damage due to the fact that the umbilical cord was cutting off his oxygen for the last week or two of pregnancy. It's a miracle that he ended up being a gifted boy.
-Was placed in advanced educational courses at the age of eight but transferred out in order to become more 'socially involved'. In the end, she was placed back into the courses only to merge back into the others yet again.
-She once helped Courtney break into Benjamin Stone's locker.

Benjamin Stone:
-Was actually extremely unattractive in his younger years. Braces with headgear, acne, overweight, the whole works. It wasn't until he moved to California that he changed then moved back to present day city.
-Has actually dated over 1/4 of the school's female population while in junior high.
-Well known for his realistic art and creation of alternative music. Has been known to mix in classical.
-Once had an affair with a teacher in order to pass a class. The teacher ended up fired and Benjamin came off scot-free.

Rexian "Rex" Grayson:
-Parents filed for divorce at the age of seven. Mother later died in a drinking and driving incident and he was moved to live with his father, whom he has never had a stable relationship with.
-Has an addiction to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Final Fantasy
-Was named after his great grandfather whom was named after the Tyrannosaurus Rex because his father's best friend discovered it.

Courtney Rietman:
-Has been best friends with Annaleigh Barker longer than anyone in the school.
-Mother named her after Courtney Love because of her addiction to Kurt Cobain in earlier years.
-Has met Kings of Leon but fainted in the process. The fall resulted in a small scar just below her chin. Caleb Followill signed her purse while she was unconscious.

Hope you guys liked these little random facts :)
February 16th, 2010 at 05:27am