Did You Hear That? Yeah, That's my finger saying Eff You Money Sucker. (Random Moments of the Day!)

Well, my boyfriend never ended up coming over for Valentine's day so I went to my band mate, Lindon's house and partied. :D All we did was drink and talk about random things that made no sense but were really hilarious at the time being. Here's the best conversation of the night:

L: I like faggis'.
S: Fat guys? You like.. Fat guys?.. Dude.. Your so cool.
L: Noooo. Not Fat Guys! Faggis'.
S: What the name of Bamboo Tree Lickers is that?
L: I.. Don't know.. At the moment.. It just came to me like, "BOOM HEAD SHOT!" Then ran away.
S: M'kay?..

Then we decided to go out on the town after reading "Most Annoying Things To Do". We got kicked out of a casino for talking about "voices in our heads" and pressing all the buttons in the elevator.

So we went to Food 4 Less. I don't even remember anything besides test-driving a bike. When we left there was some guy selling dead daisies in the parking lot and Lindon, being as kind as he is, said "Did You Hear That? Yeah, That's my finger saying Eff You Money Sucker." And we walked away.

Afterwards, we went back home and decided that before we die we want to get a hippy van and a gay monkey named Paul and teach him to paint our nails. We stayed up till four in the morning typing things in the computer and making the computer lady chick say 'em. You know what I'm talking about right? I forgot what it was called.

Anyways, How're you? Anything funny or epic today? Please comment. I love you. x]

February 16th, 2010 at 05:43am