
I'm getting so tired of this weather; it's making me depressed. I guess that's what comes with being an inhabitant of Scotland... This is my argument for atheism: If there was a God, why would he create winter?! Haha, I'm just kidding, but still, winter bites! I'm officially SICK of snow. It's cold, slushy and gross. And I'm getting so pale I look like something out of "Children of the Corn." I need a tan, a beer and some bloody sunshine or I'm going to explode. I'll settle for the beer just now... Can't wait for summer, I'm headed to France for 6 weeks. Cuxac D'Aude, here I come!

Is anyone else fed up with the cold? It was NEGATIVE 18 degrees here the other week. That's just insane.
February 16th, 2010 at 02:25pm