my life is ruined for ever now because of this

ok so i told someone i thought i could trust about something that happendto me when i was 13 and her and i and my other firnd got in to a fight and this person that i told this thing to got really mad and told everyone at school aobut it and now i feel liek i cant even go to school with out people jugding me for what happend and since she told everyone about this thing tha thappend i gat 151 messages on my facebook all telling me that you cant rape the willing the thing this person told everyone is that when i was 13 i got raped and i didnt want everyone to find out about it well now they all know and it ruining me oh and since this has started i have startedto cut myself again and i almost made it a year and nine months thats what it wouls have been this friday. ahhhh i dont know what to do i cant just ignore them like everyone s teling me to do. anyone have any ideas??
February 16th, 2010 at 08:46pm