Happy Fat Tuesday!

Ahh... Fat Tuesday, if you're Christians it isthe day where you can eat whatever you want before Lindt starts, because for Lindt you have to give up something.

Ok so I decided that for Lidnt I was going to give up all candy and soda... it's going to be hard but if Jesus can go 40 days and 40 nights, then I think I'll do without sugar.
So here's the conversation I had with my mom in the car that brought my up to this conclusion:

Me: Well Lidnt starts on Monday... Catherine's dad says he's giving up Church
We both laugh.
Me: So what are you giving up for Lindt?
Mom: Hmmm... I think Ill give up chocolate. What about you?
Me: I couldn't decide whether to give up candy or soda, so I decided 'What the hell?' and well I'm gonna give up both Candy and soda.
Mom: (Looks shocked) Wow...
Me: How long is Lindt again?
Mom: ... Forty days
Me: Oh...

Haha well yeah but I decided to stick with it, its my first year actually participating in Lindt other than the whole don't eat meat on Fridays. But I think I can do it.

Now to change the subject Monday was also the day I spent my holiday at the doctors office. You see apparently I have like a virus or something so I had like 12 warts on both of my hands, with multiple warts on each of my fingers, so I decided to get them frozen off that day. And well my father lied when he told me it wouldn't hurt because, well it did. The doctor got a lot of the freezing liquid on my bare skin on accident so now both of my pinkies are extremely blistered, and so are my ring fingers ,and my right middle finger.

So I haven't been able to do much except for hunt and peck on the key board. And turns out when I can't hold drumsticks, play guitar or hold a pencil it turns out there isn't really that much I can do using only my forefinger and my thumb like a lobster. So I made a collage of videos of my friends and I and put it on youtube and facebook.
Check it out :)

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February 17th, 2010 at 02:21am