Journal #2: I would rather be in a dozen failed relationships than be a 'hook-up' only type of person.

I've been through my share of relationships, that obviously have not worked out. Some were good, some were just a pathetic waste of time, and some really hurt me, but that doesn't mean I would ever take a break from relationships.

One of my guy friends, who is also an ex-boyfriend, broke up with a girlfriend last month. If you knew him, you would know he's like me. We both rush into relationships and we usually don't stay single for a long time. Then within the next 2 weeks, he started to get involved with another girl. Then I guess something happened between them (they were never officially dating) so now he has decided to give up on relationships temporarily and just hook up with girls whenever he can. Now I've been single for almost 3 months, and I decided not to rush into anymore relationships, and to just let whatever happen, happen. I've been hurt multiple times, and even heart broken, but I would never give up on relationships. I'm sure I've said things like "fuck love" and whatnot, but that's just a spur of the moment thing.

I tried to talk to him about it. I was hoping he'd change his mind and not give up so easily. He seemed so hopeless and upset, and it really made me upset. I care about him a lot more than I care about most people, and I like watching over him. We're exactly the same person, it's scary, but to hear that he's given up on relationships is just upsetting. I mean I understand that he doesn't want to get hurt, but isn't that part of life? There's going to be a bunch of failed relationships before you finally find the right person.

Plus, he's only 15! He's more mature than anyone his age, but still. To give up on love at such an early age, even if it is one of those 'just for now' things, is sad. I would rather date and get hurt than focus on hooking up with tons of guys. I'm not a fan of people who just hook up with other people and then move on to the next person.
February 17th, 2010 at 02:52am