School, college, wasted money, wasted time *sigh*

Okay, so here's the situation:

Directly out of high school, I went to a college. I spent $40,000 to go to school for that first year. Then, I decided, I wanted to change majors, and that school didn't have the major I wanted. So, I transfered.

My new school is a tech school. I've been going there since June, and this school is $42,000 for 27 months. After which, I graduate. I will then recieve an Associates Degree.

If I decide that I want to go to school after that, however, most of those credits won't transfer. Ergo, I'll have to spend more time and money, and re-take some of those classes.

I don't know if I should continue with this school and cut my losses later, or, if I should cut my losses now, and tranfer. Yet again?

ANother thing to take into consideration, I would love to stufy abroad. I'm not sure if this school offers that program. I haven't yet asked, because i'm afraid of the answer. I could tranfer now, and study abroad now, or, wait until I graduate and study abroad whilist retaking classes for my Bacherlors.


Then, there is my dream to act. I would love to be an actress. School is just for me to fall back on, if this doesn't happen. I'm faxing some paperwork to ABC Family tomorrow, in hopes to be chosen to go to LA and audition for a new TV series they are starting. I odviously would like this to happen. Then, i'd have to take time off of school. I wouldn't quit, because education is important, but, I'd take a break. I'm not sure if my school would let me take that leave of absence. So, would I have to drop out and continue somewhere else later? I could always try to book a movie abroad, and that would make my traveling wishes happen. (maybe)


So now, I don't know what to do......I've been stressing about this for a while now, and especially today. I don't want to waste any more time and money. This quarter ends in a month, and I'd like to know what i'm doing before then. Does anyone have any suggestions??
February 18th, 2010 at 09:41am