
So I was on the computer after doing loads of homework (bleh) and I decided what the hell, I'll write a journal thing. And here it is my friends!

On Monday I'm doing an audition for FYSO (an orchestra type thing) and I know I'm not going to get in but I figured I'd do it anyway. I don't even like playing the cello that much...the piano is much better!

Moving swiftly on...the fourth Death Note volume is now in my posession AT LAST! *dances around madly holding it up* and I finished it quickly as you do. Incedently (epic word) when I was coming home by the oh so fun bus service, the bus driver hated me. Probably because I only had a five pound note for a 1.25 fare but still... ANYWAYS so this random bus pulled in front of us (much like the guy who tried to run us over at lunch on Friday, I'll tell you about that later) and the bus driver started swearing his ass of at it. Complete with hand gestures! One suspects he was mad.

So about the guy who tried to run us over, we were walking happily down the road at lunch time, me thinking about the joys of having jaffa cakes for lunch (I pratically turned the shop upside down searching for them I was that hungry) and then this car pulls in without indicating and almost hits us. Very scary. He was bald and angry, like many convertable car drivers I have seen.

That was the funness of my week. Except when in Spanish me and my friend were drawing random pictures on her jotter saying how much we needed to pee (we pay attention all the time..ahem...) then the helper dude came over and was like 'what are you doing?' then he read them. It was slightly embaressing yet hilarious at the same time. It's a shame he didn't see the awesome picture of Tinky Winky with a gun and a mace killing Dipsie from the Teletubbies on the other page. XD

Benga ninja two out!
February 20th, 2010 at 07:51pm