First Tattoo & A Maybe Second!!! OMFG!

OMFG! I'm 14 and getting my first tattoo in 1-3 weeks!!! I'm so pyschd!!My mum is taking me to get it done. But it is on the condition that my dad must never know and should he find out about it then my mother had no knowledge of it and I have to live with whatever punishment I will recieve. My parents are divorced so I would recieve double punishments. eek! but so worth it!
And my mum said if I could talk my dad into letting me have a tattoo for my birthday in May I would get another one. But my dad wouldn't know that it was my second. WHOOP!! two tats!!

My first tattoo is gonna be on the inside of my lip.
Any suggestions as to what are welcome.
Orignally I wanted to have B*TCH done, but I wanted to be able to say that it means something to me and I didn't want it to be something I would regret. So instead I'm thinking about getting DREAM done but with a star as the A. Cause I have been and still am unhappy with myself and my life, but I figured if I can remember to dream i'll be ok. dumb logic but who cares.
I am open to any meaningful suggestions as I am not entirely sold.
Please don't give me the whole "You shouldn't even get a tattoo if your not even sure about it"
I am sure about it!!! I hate it when the people try to talk me out of things. I am a human being i'm allowed to make mistakes. And right now I need something to look forword to.

My second tattoo is gonna be inbetween/on the inside of my index and middle fingers on my left hand. I'm thinking about getting ...

"Non est vivere sed valere vita est…
Life is not just being alive"

But maybe just the english because i'm not 100% sure that is what the Latin(??) means.
But again I would really like any other suggestions as I would like to maybe have two quotes or add something else to the end of this one. I apologise as I don't know who said the above quote.

I'm am open to anyones thoughts on my getting a tattoo at 14. Negative or positive.
And any suggestions/ideas on what to get.
Be warned you will never sway my decision but I would still love to here your opinion.
And if anyone knows of a good tattoo design website let me know.

Excuse my shocking spelling.
Thanks for reading.



I want to say thank you. Two years ago I thought it'd be cool to get a tattoo. Since then alot in my life has happened. I'm 17 and don't have a tattoo. I will get my first tattoo this September, in memory of my beloved grandad. He meant alot to me and I want to wake up everyday and know he's watching over me. My tattoo will remind me everyday to live and love. RIP Grandad. I miss you dearly. I doubt any of the people who commented on this will see this comment. But I just hope they/you know how grateful I am.

February 21st, 2010 at 12:48am