Soundwave'10 Was a Good Day

To say yesterday was amazing is a bit of an understatement.

Yesterday was the day of Soundwave Brisbane 2010 and as previously stated in other journals; I went.

There were a few disappointing parts like the signing tent. It would have been incredible if HIM were signing.

Ville Valo is sex, full stop.

I did end up meeting The Almost and Aaron Gillespie is a funny kid. He was very friendly and asked me to see them perform later on but I unfortunately couldn't because The Almost clashed with another band.

I'm sunburnt and my body aches but it was worth it.

One of my best friends, Dyllon actually came with a broken leg and STILL moshed. That my friends is dedication. The pit for AFI was crazy and Davey Havok was amazing as usual. The band that took the cake though had to be HIM because even though they were running out of time with the set, they managed to pull it off and Ville’s voice was incredible through and

I have to give Kudos to Linde because he killed us with the guitar and I'm pretty sure he killed his fingers too.

Placebo were also a highlight for me and my other best friend Aaron because they were the band that both of us grew up on and still adore to this day.

At was awesome that so many fans of so many different bands could come together and just enjoy music together. It didn't matter that one person liked You Me At Six but the other liked Anthrax, everyone enjoyed themselves.
February 21st, 2010 at 04:20am