Yes, I care how I smell. Is something WRONG with that? And nicknames?

People have questioned me because I care that I may or may not have B.O. I don't wanna smell like roses but I also don't want to smell like Sweat. My female friends tell me it's girly.
No I can be girly but is CARING about your BODY ODOR really girly?
I know a lot of guys care if they smell. I know girls care if their boyfriends smell so why shouldn't I Care? lol

I'm hungry and I'm too lazy to get up.

Nicknames!! Yeah I love nicknames. Even ones that are typical like Lizzy for Elizabeth or whatever. My nickname is Iggy. I don't know how Iggy comes from Tiago but I get called it a lot lol
I know some people with weird nicknames too like a girl I know is called T.Z. because she'd always dress up her stuffed animals as a kid but never put a shirt on the zebra, so it was a topless zebra. Topless Zebra = T.Z. Weird story lmao I know but it's a creative way to get a nickname! She's almost 20 now still called T.Z.

What are your nicknames if you have any?

I noticed questions are pretty big on here lol decided to give it a shot.
February 21st, 2010 at 05:08pm