What do you believe in?

Well, ever since I was young, I've always felt that God was real and there, just not the way churches, or religions portray him.

I'm not the type of person who believes everything they hear, in fact most of my current knowledge comes from my own personal experiences. I learn most things on my own. My knowledge of sciences, history, literature. I can promise the most useful things, I've learned at home or getting a book from a library.

When I first learned to read, my goal was to devour a dictionary worth of words. Which I'd done by nine. Then I worked on encyclopedia's. I think they were called World enyclopedia. Something about a world. Then that green stripe with a little latitude world drawn on the cover. They were a big set. Maybe twelve books in all.

Anyways, as I'm getting to, if I learned everything on my own, why wouldn't it be the same with my religion. I suppose if it had to have a name, it'd be something like Atomology. It's the belief in the power of the atom, the power within each and every nucleous. An atom, put simpley, is energy. My belief is that everything is the same thing. Everything can be broken down to the same base, which is the atom.

Which means, we're all energy. We may think everything looks or feels solid, but the truth is we're not. I believe that things are never as they truely seem.

Now, there are a lot of things I could go into, but...to be honest they'd be slapped in together and it wouldn't make any sense to the masses.

I do believe in something greater and higher, but I would prefer not to call him God. I'll call it Aton. Aton, an ultimate higher power. It's an egyptian word...and since its close to Atom, it fits.

I don't want to know your religion. I want to know your beliefs.
I want to know what you believe in, and not what you can read to me from a book.
I've studied theology for a very long time,
So tell me what isn't written. You're true thoughts.
February 21st, 2010 at 05:39pm