Biology, Latin Projects and skittles...OH MY!

Biology- At the beginning of the year he was never in school and we never had homework and we never did anything actually except watch movies. So now that he is in school he feels the need to make up for what he missed. I understand that yeah we have to pass the final and get the total amount of lab hours in and all that but that doesn't mean that we need 3 packets of homework to do on Mitosis and Meiosis! REALLY!

Latin Project- She is one of the meanest teachers i have. We have a test every Thursday and we have a project every 10 weeks. that's the given. it always happens but then she feels that she can give us extra projects to because we obviously don't have other work to do. So now i have to make 2 posters about the Latin State motto's. Joy.

Skittles- I bought 3 packs yesterday and right now i have only one left. I don't drink coffee and/or soda; pop whatever you call it so right now the taste of the rainbow is the only thing keeping me awake. Lets hope its enough!

February 21st, 2010 at 07:53pm