I'm Not Dead, I Swear

Now, normally I'm not a very chatty guy. However, this past week I haven't been on the computer at all. Something horrific and unspeakable (excuse my hyberbole) happened within the confines of my living establishment, and thus prevented me from logging on. So, I guess I just want to say that I haven't abandoned this place, I was just forced into an unseen temporary hiatus.

With that said, I have other things to tell!

During my break I began working on a new project, something not quite like Elves of O'tenka. It's still probably Lord-of-the-ring-ish, (as a certain Australian lawyer would put it) but it won't have elves or any of the other usual high fantasy elements I love and adore. I don't want to give much away right now since I'm still in the throes of planning, but expect it to be up sometime next week.

Lastly, I haven't forgotten about Tara and Kèth, and as soon as I have a chapter or two of this new project out of the way, I should be back to writing about the world of O'tenka. Sound good?

Until next time~

Barry aka Nolan
February 21st, 2010 at 11:50pm