
So, I'm not having a good day.

Apparently since I didn't go to a birthday party everyone went to, my dad isn't happy. The reason I didn't go? I just don't like the birthday people they were celebrating it for. Also, my sister [who's more hilarious than any of my friends combined] came over and I wanted to spend my time with her [key word: MY]. My dad's reaction was, in short, to pretty much suck it up and go because he wants me to be social with everyone in my class.


First off: I don't give two shits about the town I live in, let alone letting someone tell me how to live my life in that shitty town.

Secondly: You really think that my going to a stupid birthday party is going to determine my future? My career? My future husband? My future [i[life in general?

A word to the wise: Think about the words you say the next time you start a Goddamn argument about MY LIFE. Get to know some of the people my age, not their parents. No one's the same, especially a teenager and an adult.


PS: Sorry if this offends anyone with my language and dissing. I'm having a "I really hate people" day today and I don't enjoy it =[ Words of encouragement? Please? I really need to talk to someone.
February 22nd, 2010 at 02:17am