Do you have any phobias??

I was reading a thing on here and i found out that i actually have a lot of things i'm afraid of

Apiphoba-Fear of bees(got stung once and now I can't stand to be near them.If there are a lot during the summertime I will just stay in the house)
Dentophobia-fFear of dentists(I have had mean dentists all my life and I even accidently bit one once because of it;and the fact that I wass scared)
Athazagoraphobia-Fear of being forgotten(not really a fear but I hate it when I know someone for years go away for a few months and then come back and they don't remember me.I have had that happen to many times)
Automysophobia-Fear of getting in trouble(I hate getting in trouble.One time in school I was late to class and I had to sign 'the book' and I almost cried)
Doxophobia-Fear of being praised(Not really a fear I just feel weird when someone complements me because I feel like if I say thanks then I am just agreeing and being conceited)
Coulrophobia-Fear of clowns(The movie IT and that is all i'm going to say about it)
Anginophobia-Fear of choking(I have choked I don't know how many times in my life I think that is enough said)
Fear of being held down(I don't know what this is called;And no it is not claustrophobia because I don't have a fear of small places I just hate it when I cannot use my arms or legs or my body parts.I will literally start screaming and thrashing.Cause I had to get some tube stuck down my throat three times and people had to hold me down.Oh and one time I went to the doctor and they were going to stick that q-tip thing in my throat and they had to get four nurses to hold me down . . and I was little too. =P)

Oh yea and you know that THX sound that plays on movies I HATE THAT SOUND I will yell at you to tell you to turn it off and close my ears so I can't hear it.I have always been scared of it

February 23rd, 2010 at 05:04am