Every unsaid thought will go unheard. | Questions.

So Hello,
My idea of a journal is simply to write whatever comes to mind.
So if you want to cristise, go ahead... I can't help where my brain chooses to take me.
And comments or Advice are always welcome.

First off I want to mention a certain link that I would encourage everyone to click on.


It'll let you read my blog, along with Hayley.
Whose a crazy girl that likes to blow bubbles
and not judge me on my strange dreams.
Which I probably will address at a later stage.

I'm surprised I hadnt heard of this site before today,
it appears to be right up my ally.
I love to write, and hopefully people will see that when/if they read any of my story/poems.
[jee, its a possibility that i use '/' too often.]

Anyway, on a more personal level.
I've just started year 11.
Which you are either remembering, going through yourself, or looking forward to.
My teachers are horrible, and I am worried.
But you know, who wants to hear about that?

I was thinking earlier today, how ironic it is that this time last year I was just such a different person.
I was a lot happier, but also naive.
a friend says to me, she sees it as 'we traded in our happiness, to gain life experience.'
and she hit a funny bone for me, because that rings so true.
At least in my case.

Another benefit of this site, is to meet new people.
If you're still reading this, which I doubt...
answer some questions for me, maybe we should become friends.

- Best pizza topping?
- Bubbles or Balloons?
- Guitar or Saxaphone?
- Love or Lust?
- Converse or Volleys?
- One interesting thing that happened to you today?
- You learn something new everyday... what did you learn today?
- Your house is burning, and you can save one thing from your room... what do you take?

- over and out !
February 23rd, 2010 at 01:52pm