Have you ever?

Have you ever Felt Like your life was not complete?
Have you ever had a random thought that would be possibly life changing to some one while staring some thing very random thats nor related.

Well that how I feel right now. Both of those thing happened / are happing to me. My life Just dose not feel right I Know there is something missing. I was staring at the computer and thought of the morning show I lesson to Witch brought Me to think of a celebrity i think is ok But I find so annoying and dont have any respect for.

why dose this happen I really would like to know That was not the only time it happened too.

I was in a Taco bell and Staring at a guys shoes and Randomly thought If My sister when To this certain place She would be happy again, Like she would know the answer to the loose ends

Please comment and tell me if this ever happened to you and what did you think of.
February 24th, 2010 at 01:46am