Players are gonna play and Haters are gonna hate

Okay, I realize that I'm not perfect, but neither are you. Why do you expect me to be perfect when you yourself can't be perfect?

I realize that you have been through a lot with me and I thank you for that. I have told you my most deepest secrets and you tol me yours. I will never tell, I'm not that kind of person. Although right now you don't think very highly of me, I really am not a bad person.

I know I have made some bad decisions but so have you and I don't hold them against you.

Yes, I have fallen in love, it's no joke and I can't help it. I can't help that he has lied to me, and yet I still forgive him. You see that's what I do, I forgive. We all make mistakes and most of us learn from our mistakes, and he has. But you won't take the time to see that.

To see that he truly does love me and won't hurt me. He's tried to hard to make you see, but you won't. You've holden on to the past and on his mistakes but you won't give him another chance. Well I guess that's on you, he was just trying to make friends with my friends. He knew that you were all that I have and he wanted to be apart of it.

And so now that I don't have you, I am truly lost. You seem to be okay because you have friends. I don't. and maybe that's my own fault who knows? But I know that if I fell off the face of the earth today that you would turn away. "What does it matter, we're not even friends anymore?"

I don't know where you got your information on any of the so called "rumors" that I supposedly spread about you but your sorce was wrong. I was actually the one who strayed people who were saying that about you.

Now, I can no longer put my heart into this, I can't even see the freakin screen. Maybe you'll say I have no reason or right for these tears, but you can't stop the fact that they are here and that they are rolling off my face faster than I can wipe them away.

So I end with this, I hope that you are happy, truly happy in life. You don't have to see or here from me. I will leave you alone if that's what you truly want. Just say the words and I'll do it. Take care. I will always love you...
February 24th, 2010 at 06:42pm