*Shoots self in face due to stupidity*

I'm sick of two faces! Sick and fuckin' tired of them! Like seriously, if you are gonna be two faced don't screw with my life in the process! -___________-
I hate when two faces are in the family. I loathe it. I honestly want to shoot myself (not literally!) in the face. GOD! There are no words to express my frustration nor anger. Like GAHHH! I want to scream, I want to bitch, I'm going to bitch that's why I'm using this! -__-
My grandma is two faced. That's it. Simply put! Yeah, I love her and all that jazz, but she talks so much shit about me behind my back it makes me feel like crap. I feel like I'm a fuckin Jew and she's Hitler, leading a dictatorship with my life. (Please, take what I say with a grain of salt, I know what I'm going through isn't as bad as what the Jews experienced.) But seriously, earlier this year she was all happy to help with college for me 'cause I have like no funding for it. I apply to college, get in, get a scholarship but I only get it if I dorm. Now I'm going to dorm, she refuses to help me with anything! She says my father can help me. -_- Yeah grandma, thanks, 'cause I'd have enough debt, I don't want to even consider relying on him, he's helpless.
I get a progress report saying that I'm "going to fail the class, going to go to summer school, going to fail for the year!" I'm not. I have a 73, I passed the last two marking periods with high 80s, if I fail this marking period I won't go to summer school. But she doesn't believe me. -_-
I'm a senior, I'm planning on going to the shore with my friends after prom. I explain this to her, get an okay if my friend can go. 'Cause I'd be going with my boyfriend and hers. She and I are going to share a room. That's that. And she doesn't believe me. Said friend's mom calls today to verify that I can go and she totally forgets about it and starts complaining about how I'm lazy, how my boyfriend is shit, how she hates that he's over here. -__- Seriously, if he isn't over here she thinks he and I had a fight and are breaking up. She said he stays till 9:30 (BULLSHIT!) He says on weekdays to 5:30 sometimes seven if he can get a ride (he takes a lighrail.) Weekends he stays till 9. She flips a shit if I go over his house, honestly its a half hour lightrail ride, I'm 17, I can take the lightrail alone. I have a ride home, I'm home by 9:30 the latest! And that's on a Friday! Every teenager I know has a later curfew than I do! But I can't be trusted -_- what the hell did I do to make me irresponsible... oh yeah, I came home once at 11:30! PARDON ME!
Oh and lets not forget she never gives me a straight answer for anything. So if I ask for a straight answer I get yelled at. I'm so sick of living here then she's all like "Ohh, I know what I"m doing is pushing her away... but I'm looking out for her..." How?! By not trusting me! By talking so much shit behind my back!? REALLY! Thanks, nice to know that not even family I can trust.
Friends are the only family you can trust. You get to pick them, you get to evaulate them. So ergo, family sucks. Friends are better. -_-
February 25th, 2010 at 12:04am