Whose Christina?

Hey! Have you ever wanted to be unique? But you felt like you were being held back by being named after someone. Well if so then you know how I feel. If not I'll exlain it to you. Well, I am named after my Aunt Christine and I have my grandma's middle name, and I feel like I don't have individuality because of it. And it's bumming me out. I feel like I'm going through midlife crisis early. A whole 15-20 years early. But this is why I have recently stopped telling people my name is Christina. I prefer Chris for a few reasons. First, it gives me the individuality that I'm craving. And second, I just think it fits me better than Christina. Christina seems to sophisticated and I think I'm going to safe Christina for when I'm an adult. But if you all could start calling me Chris, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. But that's pretty much all I had to say. I just wanted to get that out that I am no longer Christina.
February 25th, 2010 at 02:20am