
So im preety happy today. Things are changing. Flowers are blooming and depression is fading. With everything that has happened im slowly getting better. I no longer feel like i have to wind myself up to do everything. My body dosent ache. my heart dosent ache! It started when I began to talk to Roberto again,,,wierd.

My Quince is coming up in a week and now im excited after i handed out like 50 billion invitations haha PARTY! :D

Roberto is gonna be there and im preety sure their gonna play songs that you can freak too. SWEET. Im just looking forward to having fun and dancing because i LOVE to go to parties and it being my party makes it a bit more exciting because it all start the day before and the day of the party. The day before we have to go but cups, sodas, water all that kind of stuff. and then practice at the hall for the vals and then on the day i have to get up early to go get my hair done and make up and then go take pictures,

Im so excited!
February 25th, 2010 at 10:32pm